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New Fulton Band

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  • NEWS!

Trip the Mason City Iowa, where James Fulton directed the first Mason City Municipal Band



  • We are still trying to locate the Wurlitzer Progressive Band Book and the Wurlitzer Progressive Orchestra Book. If you happen to have either, or know about the existence of one, or if you have any other music by Fulton, please contact us!



  • The Parker and Davis Campaign March has been found. I finally received the sheet music. Interestingly enough, this march, published in 1904, is the same march entitled "Ethelbert" which was published in 1901 and recorded by the New Fulton Band. I have noted this on our complete works page and on our recordings page. Click here to Hear the Parker and Davis Campaign March (or Ethelbert March).


  • James M. Fulton's Grave has been discovered at the Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge MA. With great horror, I discovered he has no headstone or marker on his grave. Its just an empty lot. Both James and his wife Catherine are buried in a single grave. Here is picture of his lot: (The piece of paper was just used to mark to lot)

(Photo by Mt Auburn Cemetery)

This great American Composer who wrote SO MUCH music, doesn't deserve to be lost to history. If you would like to contribute anything to a fund to purchase a Headstone for James M. Fulton and his wife Catherine Fulton, please contact me!

  • Check This Out!:  Comparison of Fulton's "Over the Fence March" and an early TV Jingle


  • On Saturday March 31 and Sunday April 1, 2007 the San Jose Wind Symphony will be performing James M. Fulton's March "The Aviator", arranged and edited by Jeff Yaeger.


  • On Sunday March 25, 2007, The Ohlone College Wind Orchestra Performed James M. Fulton's "Gingeroso, A Trombone Phantasy", Jeff Yaeger speech.


  • On Friday, March 23, 2007, the Milpitas Community Concert band performed James M. Fulton's "Trapelo" overture, Jeff Yaeger conducting.


  • Jeff Yaeger has Discovered a march hand written by James M. Fulton himself (including his autograph). It is only half of a march. It only contains the first two phrases and ends before the Trio. I am working on trying to orchestrate this forgotten Fulton March and more info will be posted when it becomes available. Click here to hear the march as it was written by Fulton.


  • On January 19, 2007, Jeff Yaeger was able to chat with Loras John Schissel (Band Historian at the Library of Congress and Music Director for the Virginia Grand Military Band)

The following is a summery of the info obtained from this meeting....


Loras has heard of James M. Fulton and happens to enjoy his works. He enjoys and occasionally performs Fulton’s “The Aviator March.”  He also enjoys some of Fulton’s Band Arrangements particularly of Victor Herbert’s Shows although he couldn’t remember the specific one! He listed Herbert’s 4 main arrangers, of which Fulton was not mentioned. He told me that Fulton worked for the publisher “Whitmark” which specialized in musical theatre publications.

He mentioned that he was asked by the Waterbury (CT) Symphony  Orchestra to provide an orchestra version of Fulton’s “Waterbury American March.”


Cymbal and Bass Drum together ALWAYS until otherwise noted. Even during the trio!

NO BELLS. Most of the time, bells were not written for, and shouldn’t be played unless they are specifically called for in the DRUM part. The fact that the were later added to performances has its roots in the school band where there was an excess of drummers and were given a flute part to keep them happy! He notes that the US Coast Guard Band puts bells in everything they play, which he wished they didn’t do. He believes it makes everything sound the same.

Parts marked as “Bb Bass” were really TC Bass Trombone and Bass Sax Parts.

Dogfights are not a basis for dating a piece. Dogfights existed early in band music (EX Washington Greys 1848) The inclusion of a dogfight in a march was completely up to the composer and most of the time didn’t mean its was a lesser quality march.


  • I am working on music for additional recording sessions. I am going to try to record as much of Fulton's Music as I can so there will be compressive collection of his works available to the public. I have found the following band books:

The Fulton Folio of Melody Marches for Band. Published in 1934 by the Oliver Ditson Company.


The Wurlitzer Progressive Band Book. Published in 1904 by The Rudolf Wurlitzer Company.


  • At this time, I only have the Solo Bb Cornet book. I am desperately trying to locate the other parts and the Library of Congress says they don't have them. If anyone comes across the other parts, please contact me.


  • I have received a list of Works by James Fulton from the Library of Congress. I am in the process of trying to obtain copies of the parts for some of them. However, this can be very expressive. If you would like to help financially support out efforts, please contact me. Your name and or organization will be mentioned on this website.


  • The Fremont Public Library in Fremont California had a book sale. I obtained a box of old sheet music mostly of the 1920's and 1930's. However there is the occasional piece from the 1880's, 1890's and the turn of the century. I also obtained two Etude Music Magazines. One from 1922 and one from 1933.